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Cost Consulting Reporting Services

Cost Consulting provide the following reports out of the box: All matters Lists all matters for which instruction was received in the date period specified. My Work-list Lists all matters that are currently being worked on. Draft & Taxation Volume Lists all...

Client Information, Invoicing and Reports

Navigation to Setup and Manage Clients you will notice the header section contains links to client information, invoicing and reports.  Cost Consulting allows you to invoice your clients. view summary of outstanding payments and total costs involved. There are three...

Creating and Managing Bills

Creating and printing bills is one of the most advanced features of the Cost Consulting Platform.  You can navigate to any of the two sections from inside a matter, by using the buttons allocated in the header section. Bill Items The bill of costs page consist of the...

Manage Courts

Courts are required for tariffs to function properly in Cost Consulting.  Each court can contain multiple unique tariffs.  Managing courts can be easily accomplish from the Manage Courts section in Cost Consulting. Navigate to your Court List from the menu section....

Create a New Matter

Navigate to Matters->Create Matter, in order to create a new matter for yourself or for other users in your company. The following attributes are captured when creating a new matter: Language Determines the language used on all documents generated from within the...